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Atten: Quddus Khan Editor,

Dear Sir,

 I want to thank you for publishing the articles on modern Physics. They are a real eye opener and thought provoking. The dearth of physics education in our country is painfully evident and our intellectuals are too busy squabbling among each other to notice the new frontiers of knowledge that Science has opened for us. Many thanks to Mr Avijit Roy for writing the articles. Truly he has provided us with a crash course on the history and development of Modern Physics: how it started from scratch, reached the Classical Newtonian stage, went through revolutions under Maxwell and completely turned the world upside down by ushering the era of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. Nowadays, with Superstrings and mathematics beyond the boundaries of the infinite, Modern Physics is THE most intellectually challenging field of knowledge. Mr Roy has brought us the universe and all its wonders and discoveries in a nice little nutshell. Because of the language (Bengali) it reaches a huge audience of Bangla speaking people and so more people benefit from this effort of Mr Roy.

Kudos to him for such a noble effort. His attempt to popularize science would always have a positive impact.


Yahya Pramanic

From:  "fatemolla fatemolla"
Date:  Thu Jun 26, 2003  7:28 am
Subject:  Re: [mukto-mona] alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree -3 [Bangla pdf]




All the best.


From:  "Alamgir Hussain"
Date:  Tue Jun 17, 2003  6:00 pm
Subject:  Re: alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree [Bangla pdf]




A great composition! Your command of Bangla is great too. However I would like to add appoint or two here. One question would quickly come to the minds of the readers: how come Galileo could escape the fatal fate met by Bruno at the hands of Jesus? soldiers? Does it mean that the Church Authority had become soft on the issue after the Bruno episode? Not at all. Instead, it is Galileo?s extraordinary brilliance which came to rescue his life from the fanatics. To say the truth, Newton definitely rules supreme in modern science. As for Galileo, although his width and breadth of his contribution in science is not as great as Newton?s, it?s still hard to put Galileo behind Newton. Indeed it is Galileo?s stunning contribution in mechanics which became the launching pad for Newton. Galileo made three phenomenal contribution in Science:

1) the speed of falling object,

2) the law of inertia,

3) the most celebrated discoveries in the field of Astronomy.


Galileo first discovered all objects (heavy or light) falls to earth at the same speed if not for the friction of the air. Then he went to prove if an object is made to move by external force, it will keep moving if not for the retarding forces (friction etc.). And of course everybody is aware about his stunning contribution in astronomy. One can easily say now Galileo?s contribution is nothing to Newton?s. However, the importance of Galileo?s contribution lies in the fact that all his famous discoveries came through breaking the age-old scientific dogmas. As for falling objects, Aristotle had observed heavier objects will fall faster onto earth which the coming generations of Scientists accepted as established truth. However, Galileo wasn?t satisfied and went onto experiment it and found Aristotle?s notion was wrong. About the law of inertia it?s the same thing. Scientists over the generations had accepted that a moving object will stop automatically and Galileo, through experimentation, proved it wrong too. And third time he came to prove things wrong in the filed of Astronomy. More importantly, Galileo was first to introduce the concept of experimentation to study a natural phenomena which has been the backbone of scientific investigation for the subsequent generations and will remain to be until time infinity. Hence if considered the originality and ingenuity of thoughts, Galileo?s will without doubt stand above Newton?s. Indeed he should be considered the radical revolutionist in the field of science and nobody will stand close to him in this respect.

Now it is time to consider how Galileo escaped the destiny of Bruno. Before Galileo embark into the field of Astronomy, his two brilliant discoveries in the field of mechanics had made him enormously famous. Unless, he had made those two earth-shaking discoveries before coming to Astronomy, no doubt he had to meet with the same end poor Bruno had to. Hence it?s not that the Church authority showed any mercy to him, instead he himself kept the death-knell of Church at bay, not by brawn but brilliance still not without going through those ignominious episodes.

  Replies Name/Email Date  
11713 Re: Alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree [Bangla pdf] Avijit Roy Thu  6/19/2003  
11721 Re: Alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree [Bangla pdf] Alamgir Hussain Fri  6/20/2003


From:  "Abul Kasem"
Date:  Fri Jun 27, 2003  4:48 am
Subject:  Re: [mukto-mona] alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree -3 [Bangla pdf]


Avijit's essays on the religious persecution of the scientists are
absolutely excellent and are good eye openers. Those who think that there are lots of science in the Holy scriptures must come to terms with reality.

My contention is that Avjit's essay on the early scientists who had the undaunting courage to stand up for the truth when the entire world mass was against them should be a must reading for all school children of Bangladesh.

His essay should be made into a school text book.

Abul Kasem


From:  "Alamgir Hussain"
Date:  Fri Jun 27, 2003  3:51 pm
Subject:  Re: alo hate choliyache aadharer jaatree -3 [Bangla pdf]


[> Abul Kasem:My contention is that Avjit's essay on the early scientists who >had the undaunting courage to stand up for the truth when the entire world >mass was against them should be a must reading for all school children of >Bangladesh. His essay should be made into a school text book.]

Alamgir: I had a similar thought about Avijit's marvellous work!
Especially the first two parts could make excellent reads for school
kids. However my thought of having it included in Bangladeshi school
curriculum got dashed by the alternative thought: if included in our
school syllabi, it will only add to the "Zeal" of our Mollahs and
spoil our kids even more. The reason is, the religion at the
recieving end here is Christianity and it will only strengthen
Koran's, Muhammad's (Sm), our Mollah's belief, assertion and claim
that Koran and Islam are better than Bibel and Christianity. I think
the same will happen in included in Indian School curriculum. There
the Hindu Mollahs will think, Christianity and hence its sister
religion Islam are both wrong and evil and Hinduism is superior.

To my thinking this will possibly make better reading for school
kids in countries strongly Christian like Italy, France, America ,
Spain and so on..


From:  syguia@a...
Date:  Tue Jul 15, 2003  2:00 am
Subject:  Re: [FutureOfBangladesh] Bangla article: alo hatey choliyache adharer jaatree ... {part 1, 2}


Dear Mr. Roy,

I read your articles with great interest. They are excellent! In the first part, you write that it is a mistry that Newton waited twenty years before publishing his work. Could the answer lie in the second part that Bruno was burned alive, and the old, blind Galileo (spelling?)died in prison for going against the established beliefs?

Another point I want to mention, is the name of Omar Khoiyam. When i was in high school in Bangladesh in the mid-sixties, I read a Bagla translation of an English biography on Omar Khoiyam by one Harald Lamb. I do not remember any more on the reference, and details, and I may have spelled the names incorrectly. I hope, some reader of this posting have read that book, and can correct me. I did not find any mention of Khoiyam as a scientist anywhere else either (of
course that does not prove it otherwise). However, I remember this...... In the 11th (or 12th) century, Khoiyam was a revolutionary thinker, great mathematician and a scientist studying (among others) astronomy, and President of (Osmania?) University. Khoiyam said EARTH IS MOVING ROUND THE SUN. He invited a more orthodox counterpart of his time, also a great personality, as I recall, Imam Ghazzali (also, later a President of the same University), at night into his planetarium.

Khoiyam asked, what do you see? Ghazzali replied, I see stars in the sky.

Khoiyam: now?
Ghazzali: I see the stars are moving.
Khoiyam: no, it is not the stars, it is you who is moving.
Ghazzali: no, I am not moving.

Lights were turned on, and explained to Ghazzali that the platform satge on which he was standing, was in fact moving, not the stars.

The establishied believers of the time saw it as a crime, burned Khoiyam's personal library of thousands of books and more than hundred (as I recall) of books on math and science written by him. From then on, Khoiyam left the society, became a vagabond, and wrote poems, some of which survived till today.

So we know him as a poet, not a scientist!


Ashraf Ahmed


From: "AparthibZaman"
Subject: Re:Re: Your article
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 05:05:35 -0400
Thanks Avi. Your Alo Hate series is excellent. May be you
can publish it as a book in Bangladesh.

Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:27:19 -0600
From: "Jahed Ahmed"
To: "Avijit Roy" <>
Subject: RE: Third part
The ability to make difficult topics into a easy and fun-to-read one is 
sth  not everybody has. Your writing is informative and comprehensive at the 
same time.


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 04:21:39 -1000
From: "Vic Stenger"   
Subject: Re: For Vic Stenger // Quantum fluctuation and evolution

On Tuesday, August 12, 2003, at 11:47  PM, Avijit Roy wrote:

>  Dear Vic,
> I   have few questions about the "Seminar series for atheists and 
> freethinkers" which is recently published in Mukto-mona 
> (www.mukto-mona).
> Please check the follwing dialoguue:
> >>>T: Philosopher William Lane Craig has argued that the universe had 
> a beginning, therefore it must have had a cause. That cause is God.
> >>>A: Quantum events can happen without cause. Perhaps our universe 
> was a quantum event in a larger universe that always was.
> If you argue in the way stated above, one theist may response -
> Quantum mechanics does not suggest certainly that the universe was 
> created out of nothing. Period.
> The only connection is Casimir effect which appear to suggest that 
> "virtual particle" may exist in perfect vacuum. I stress on the word 
> "virtual". I am not going to discuss the details of it here. However, 
> this concept is used to suggest that the quantum fluctuation of such 
> virtual particle in vacuum was the cause of the big bang. This theory 
> had been rejected outright by scientific community. The fundamental 
> flaws are 
> 1. First, the big bang theory postulates no preexisting space or 
> vacuum. Hence there would have been no place for virtual particles to 
> fluctuate.
>  2. Second, virtual particles, if real, form as matter and antimatter 
> in equal amounts. However our universe appears to consist almost 
> entirely of ordinary matter. Antimatter is distinctly rare So it is a 
> sheer abuse of quantum mechanics to use it to promote anti-God dogma. 
> Actually one theist responded in this way in his web site. Vic, 
Would > you pls clarify details? 
> ==========

Good questions.

1. While the conventional big  bang theory does not postulate a 
pre-existing space, this does not prove such a space did not 
exist--which the theist has the burden of proving if she is to use this 
argument. A  pre-existing space violates no known physics and is 
hypothesized in a number of theories of the origin of the universe 
published in reputable journals by reputable physicists. The theist has 
not proven any of these wrong.

2.  We have a perfectly plausible explanation of the matter-antimatter 
imbalance in terms of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the early 
universe (first proposed by Andrei Sakharov). Again this need not be 
proved by the atheist. The theist must prove what this cannot work.
> As per our  previous communication, I have published one of your 
> article (seminar series for atheists and freethinkers) in our site.
> Please check whether it (the way I published) is OK for you. I also 
> requested you to enlist my name { Name Avijit Roy, email: 
> } to your avoid-l. email discussion group. If 
> need any other information please feel free to ask me.

It looks great. Thanks a lot. You have a terrific web  site. I highly 
recommend it to list members. Keep up the  good work.

I have added you to the list. You are most welcome.


From: Mohammad Sharif Uddin Sent: Thu 7/10/2003 6:12 PM
To: Avijit Roy
Subject: thanks for science-based writing

Dear Abijit bhai,

I read your latest writing  on space science and mystery in I think, your writing, in this regard is more clear in understanding the space and more importantly the discoveries of science. I thank you a lot for bringing and sharing your idea and presentation in writing very distinctly  through this kind of writing in Vinnomot.

I hope your such writing in the next to let us know about how science theory can be realized in a more easier manner.

Thanks a lot once again.

Mohammad Sharif Uddin

From: Muhammad Ibrahim Khan Sent: Tue 8/5/2003 10:35 AM
To: Avijit Roy
Subject: RE: Alo haatey choliyachee adharer jaatree [Part-5]


Very nice writing.I hoped that the series will be longer.
Anyway......... waiting for the last part........
probably in conclusion u'll say that there is no god.....ha....ha....ha.....
thank u very much for sending me all the parts.
Ibrahim Khan

From: "Dreams Unlimited"
Subject: A Heartly Request for " Alo Hate Choliya see Adharer Jatree-6"
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 14:45:46 +0600

Dear Avijit Roy,

Bhairee how long we need to wait for " Alo Hate Choliya see Adharer Jatree-6"?

Please please please finish the Part-6.

Wish you a Happy EID.......(Not a religious EID, a secular EID).

"E Bangla Amar EID Oo Amar Pujao Amar......"


Dipu, TechnoVista
Home  : 88-02-9897615 (After 10 PM & Friday Morning)
Office : 88-02-8952704, 8952706
Mobile: 88-011067795


From: "fatemolla." <> 
Subject: ALO HATE.............
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 08:13:45 -0500


My praise is boundless. Aligning complex scientific facts with personal belief-system, either in agreement or disagreement, in such understandable correlation and fine balance is task of a genius. It is not easy to relate and correlate these two facts apparently residing in two distant levels. Whether one agrees or not to the proposition of atheism is a different issue, but when a deity comes to control humankind in totality, it is imperative we look at it from all directions. If a planner-sustainer-annihilator Creator exists, must survive all human inquisitions.


Our youths need to know both sides of the coin. This series fills the tremendous vacuum of one side prevailing in Bengal


Almost all our youths are not conversant in English. Its short summery in Bangla in bracket should follow the English quotes to facilitate the youths not so strong in English but good in Bangla. They exist, too many of them.


Once published this series will defeat time and will meet our hundred progeny, I am sure to say. 



Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 17:36:31 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jahed" <> 
To: "Avijit Roy" <>

Fabulous article! I've a request, if you must publish it, wait a bit but publish it under a new publishers named Muktomona Publishers which thereafter will be known as a new type of publications for all the freethinekers of Bangladesh origin (sth like Utso Manush of Calcutta). Gradually we will publish books on other areas of literature that conforms to our beliefs. This might also serve as a potential source for some money which will be used for humanist causes such as Protecting MInotities, protecting rural woman from Fatwas and another cause which is sth passionate about i.e. working for a drug-free youth for Bangladesh (you must be aware of the widespread illegal use/business of drugs everywhere in present Bangladesh) ....

love and take care, 



Subject: "Alor pothe choliache adharer zatri"
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 13:44:11 -0800
From: "Ali, Ashraf" <>


Avijit Roy Babu,
My friend Dr. Zahid Hossain and myself (Seattle, WA) were collecting 
materials to write an article in Bengali on String Theory and related 
subjects. Zahid just brought your article ("Alor pothe choliache adharer 
zatri" published here: to my attention. It 
looks like you have already done a wonderful job and it may not be 
necessary for us to write another similar article. The question is: is your 
article reaching most of the Bengalees? A book may be a better and more 
permanent medium to disseminate the knowledge. Zahid and I have also 
collected materials on Astronomy (you also covered a good bit) from 
different sources such as NASA,, and other media.
We are not sure what your future plan is along these lines. But our 
objective was to expose as many Bengalees as possible to the developments 
of String Theory and Astronomy. Should you feel it would be productive 
if we talked on the telephone, please send us your phone number.

Regards, ashraf
Ashraf Ali, D.Sc., P.E.
Dynamic Ground Loads
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group
Phone: (425) 266-8629 (work)
	 (425) 373-4013 (home)
	Fax: (425) 294-7864

Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 20:01:56 -0800 (PST)
From: "kalam,  syed" <> 
Subject: letter

Dear Avi,

Thak you for your last email and an article on astrophysics. It is yet to be read.


The  treatise 'Alo hathaey ........... jatri' has penetrated so much deeply into the realm of modern physics that when i started writing my opinion on it I found myself not properly equipped. I am now making a second study of it and at the same time reading  some more physics. I hope a week at the most will be needed on my part to concoct a critical view. The book contains theories and evolution of physics at the same time aiming at drawing certain philosophical conclusion, i.e. standing firmly in support of atheism. Hence this aspect appears to be more important.


However it is an excellent piece of writing and must be available to the readers. It will be understandable to the common readers with a minimum understanding of physics and science. it will surely elevate the scientific ideas of the readers. It has dealt with the complex things in a masterful way. In some cases some more elaboration may be needed as I thing. I will surely give my notion about it. Philosophically it should have been more analytical. But in this book i think no big reform should be done. If needed the task should be continued in the form of new writings. With some small modification, if the writer find it necessary at all, the book should be published as early as possible. In Bangladesh this will probably the first book of this kind in Bangle.

In my opinion it is really a good writing.



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