An earnest appeal to Madam Khaleda Zia on the wake of Habiganj carnage and the death of Shah AMS Kibria

Respected Prime Minister of Bangladesh,

we the members of Mukto-Mona are both angst-ridden and speechless hearing the news of grenade blast in Habiganj that resulted in the death of five people including Mr. Shah AMS Kibria, a well-respected citizen and bureaucrat-turn politician of our motherland. Since you took office in October 2001, 10 reported bomb blasts and grenade attacks have killed at least 69 people and injured over few hundreds innocent by-standers.

Madam Prime Minister, not a single person has been implicated or linked to these despicable crimes thus far. We feel it is about the time that you admit your administration’s utter failure to catch even one terrorist let alone the stealth group working behind the scene to destabilize the entire nation. In other democracies round the world, an incompetent government of your caliber that fails to arrest the perpetrators would have resigned by now. However, yours is a case of exception.

You have given enough lip services in the last 39 months. On the day Shah AMS Kibria fell victim to grenade attack, you addressed a political rally in Muktarpur (near Munshiganj) where you brazenly said that your administration has already wiped out terrorism from Bangladesh. How could you have uttered such words knowing fully well that the police or any intelligence agency in Bangladesh is yet to solve a single case of grenade lobbing or bomb blasting?

We feel it is about the time you take responsibility to unearth the mystery behind all these vicious attacks. Has it occurred to you that not a single grenade or bomb was hurled at any meeting organized by your party or any of your coalition partners. The foregone conclusion is that a vicious stealth group is working round the clock to efface the vestiges of secular political force in Bangladesh. Most newspapers in Bangladesh wrote countless editorials and commentaries hinting who are behind these attacks. But still you chose to remain reticent. To add insult to injury, you alongside with your party apparatus have blamed Ms. Hasina Wazed and her lieutenants to self-engineer these attacks.

An administration that shies away from taking responsibility to solve these unsolved crimes should resign right away. That is what we expect from you. The nation is bleeding profusely. At this precarious time, Bangladesh needs an administration that could put an end to the culture of grenade lobbing and bomb tossing in public meeting. Our motherland has already earned a bad reputation because of these rampant and unchecked incidences of terror attack. Your failed leadership is exacerbating the situation to say the least. This culture of grenade attacks is growing like a cancer. Therefore, we need someone at the helm who could perform the needed surgery. Please tender your resignation and handover the charge to a caretaker government. This will be the first step in restoring faith in Bangladesh government. Today (January 30, 2005) Bangladesh Observer published an editorial saying, "Govt Has Lost Its Moral Right To Rule".  We hope you understand the gravity of the situation. This bloodletting has to stop.


The Advisory Board of Mukto-Mona.

30 January, 2004

 ©  Mukto-Mona


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more on Kibria in MM forum..